From the judges: We applaud this entry for a high-quality and appealing message made for staff by staff. It was a nice way to show the diversity of UBC employees, and the pride they take in their work. The strong viewership speaks to the success of this video to engage UBC staff.
Why We Work at UBC
Video > General Information
Award: Gold
Institution: The University of British Columbia
Title of Entry: Why We Work at UBC
About this Entry: Our brand-engagement video is a project that introduces the University of British Columbia’s community (faculty, staff, students) to the core idea behind the UBC Brand: If you have the drive to shape a better world, UBC will help you realize your greatest potential.
This video was init iated by Human Resources who saw a need to orient new and prospective staff and faculty to the UBC Brand. With over 15,000 staff ranging from academic roles (faculty), enabling learning (library staff, student management), research and innovation (laboratory analysis and staff), and operational staff (administration, facilities, IT), offering inspiration to help newcomers find meaning at such a large institution was needed.
This video sought to demonstrate that UBC, as an institution and a community of people, is committed to helping everyone reach their full potential and create positive change in the world (we are one institution), while providing positive reinforcement of someone’s decision to conduct research, teach, work, or study at UBC.
Human Resources engaged the team at UBC Studios, which is a division of the Information Technology, at UBC to create this video for them.
This video was made for UBC Staff, by UBC Staff.